Tuesday, March 25, 2008

If it rips, it recycles...

Who knew? All this time arguing about which paper can and cannot be recycled, and it's that simple: if it rips, it recycles. Is conserving really that easy? Well yeah, actually it is. A week ago, nearly 150 UGA students gathered for an open discussion of today's hottest topics concerning the environment and sustainable practices. Instead of looking at the big picture, The Power of One forum offered tips directed at college individuals to reduce consumption and reuse materials when possible.

Three panelists expressed the urgency for us all to wake up to the reality of the state of our Earth. Fortunately, the gloom and doom statistics were left out of the conversation as we focused on the positives. The advice, though some of it shocking, was not meant to scare students into being more sustainable, but rather to excite them that they can have such a profound impact! We were reminded that we are fortunate enough to be active participants in UGA's footprint on the environment. UGA can become a national leader in sustainability, but students must lead the way in this transformation. Our small, everyday actions speak volumes.

Jim Hackler, UGA alum and freelance writer on green living, was a featured speaker that evening. He participates in outreach programs promoting effortless, sustainable behaviors that everyone can adopt. An article of his is highlighted in the current issue of Delta Sky magazine. To read more about what you can do, check it out at http://www.deltasky.com/2008_03/greennumbers/.

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