However, you don't need cash to bring your own bag. With an old t-shirt, some scissors, a needle and some thread, you can make your own reusable grocery bag. Not only is this bag sustainable because it's used over and over, but it saves a t-shirt from going in the trash!
This week at Tate Plaza, an Environmental Health Sciences class distributed t-shirt grocery bags that they had made. They gave me a pink one that says, "It's not easy being a princess." With each bag they included instructions on how to make your own, which I'm including below.
1) Turn t-shirt inside out.
2) Sew bottom together 12" below bottom of sleeves.
3) Sew a second seam close to the first one to reinforce the bottom of the bag.
4) Cut excess t-shirt off.
5) Turn t-shirt right side out.
6) Cut sleeves off just outside of seam (to prevent fraying)
7) Cut neck out in a square shape large enough to fit items in but be sure to leave enough fabric for handles.
8) Use and enjoy!